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The chronicle of a prostitute (Chapter 1)

I still don't know why and how I managed to fall in that shit but now I am in and I have to deal with it. I've always been told that I'm pretty, sexy and stupid things like that what don't help for paying bills and put food on the table. Of course, I've tried to keep regular jobs but that's crisis they say. Bullshit ! Some people have money and they just want to share it when it's to enjoy themselves...

Once, I was with the girls speaking about our difficulties in a bar when Mia, who was pretty drunk, stopped discussion saying we all are silly and the only way for us to go through is sex... The other girls said she's a cynical bitch and to arguee her position she went to the bar counter, spoke two minutes with a guy, kissed him wildly and came back with a champagne cup.

It took time for me to decide but at the end I thought Mia was right and even if it was cynical, it was a good way to earn money and I really needed some cash quickly. That's why this evening I've dressed myself like the idea I have of a hooker and I've been in a street far from my flat...

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